Yu Cheng


Hi, this is Yu Cheng (程羽). I am a second-year graduate student in School of Computer Science at Peking University, advised by Prof. Zhi Yang. I received my B.S. (Summa Cum Laude) from Turing Class at Peking University in 2022.

I am also a research intern in System Research Group of Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), supervised by Dr. Jilong Xue and Dr. Lingxiao Ma.

My research interests lie in deep learning systems, specifically on compilation optimization of deep learning framework.

Email: yu [DOT] cheng [AT] pku [DOT] edu [DOT] cn


  1. Scaling Deep Learning Computation over the Inter-Core Connected Intelligence Processor
    Yiqi Liu, Yuqi Xue, Yu Cheng, and 4 more authors
    30th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2024), 2024
  2. GoldMiner: Elastic Scaling of Training Data Pre-Processing Pipelines for Deep Learning
    Hanyu Zhao, Zhi Yang, Yu Cheng, and 8 more authors
    Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2023
  3. Zoomer: Boosting retrieval on web-scale graphs by regions of interest
    Yuezihan Jiang, Yu Cheng, Hanyu Zhao, and 6 more authors
    In 2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2022


04/2022-Now Microsoft Research Asia
07/2021-01/2022 Alibaba Cloud
10/2020-07/2021 Alibaba
  • Research intern
  • Advised by Liang Wang


2023 Spring TA, Algorithm Design and Analysis.
2022 Spring TA, Algorithm Design and Analysis.